Gunning Leaderboards!
What is the Gunning Leaderboard?
The Gunning Leaderboard is a competitive feature of the core gunning mode of Deer Hunter.Whenever a leaderboard event is live, all players ...
How can I participate in a Gunning Leaderboard event?
All players who have completed the Gunning mode tutorial are eligible to participate in a Gunning Leaderboard event. When an event is live, ...
I am late! The event has already started - can I still participate?
You sure can! All players automatically enter the event provided they join at any time before the event has ended. That being said, it is i...
What kind of events can I expect to see with the Gunning Leaderboard?
By participating in Gunning Leaderboard events, you will have the opportunity to hunt by animal type, specific skill shots (such as shooting...
When will Gunning Leaderboard events run?
We expect exciting events to run all the time, no matter day of the week or your geographical location. That being said, weekend events will...
How do I move up the Leaderboard?
When a leaderboard event is running, players earn points for successfully completing a mission according to the requirements of the event (s...
Which weapons can I use to hunt during a Gunning Leaderboard event?
All Gunning Leaderboard events are designed so that players can use their existing weapons or any weapons earned through purchases or upgrad...
What is a multiplier? How does it help my chances of moving up the leaderboard?
The multiplier is a tool to help players move up the leaderboard faster by encouraging them to obtain hunting streaks . Streaks are earned ...
I lost my multiplier! What do I do?
The obvious way for players to regain their multiplier is to start over and obtain a clean hunting streak. We also allow players the opportu...
How do I know what prizes are being offered in the event?
When the event is live, players have permanent access to the “PrizesInfo” button on the bottom left corner. Clicking his button redirects th...
The event is live! How do I know where I currently am on the Leaderboard?
On the core gunning screen that shows you which region they are gunning in, a leaderboard area on the appears on the right. This shows sho...
How do I know how many points I have obtained after a hunt?
When you finish a hunt, the Mission Success Screen a displays points for the leaderboard to the left of the mission rewards area. The rewar...