要關閉通知,請按照下列步驟操作: 進入裝置的「設定」功能表點選「應用程式」。 點選「應用程式管理器」,從列表中找到遊戲取消勾選「顯示通知」這將在您的裝置上關閉我們遊戲推送的通知。
要關閉應用程式的通知,請按照下列步驟操作: 進入裝置的「設定」功能表點選「通知」在應用程式清單中找到該遊戲並點擊它取消勾選「允許通知」這將關閉此應用程式推送的任何通知。
There are no videos for me to watch.
Video availability is completely dependent on advertisers. If they want to advertise to your specific demographic they may offer videos, but...
I made an in-app purchase. Why am I still seeing ads?
Nearly all in app purchases in KKH should remove ads, but these are some that will not remove them: &n...
(Apple) What is the button that says "Restore Special Purchases?"
The "Restore Special Purchases" option allows a new game to restore dresses, bags and other special App Store purchases - items other than i...
目前我們只能提供英文的客戶服務。你可以使用Google翻譯與我們溝通,並將翻譯好的文字以電子郵件寄給我們: http://translate.google.com/#
How do I cancel a subscription on my Apple device?
If you really want to cancel, we'll show you how below - but keep in mind that once you do, you may not be able to get the same benefits aga...
My Android device cannot access the in-game support
Owners of Android devices running version 4 of the operating system will no longer be able to access support from within the game, as the so...
How do I delete my account? (iOS only)
As required by Apple's privacy policies, users with Apple devices have the option to permanently delete their account. BEWA...
How do I cancel a subscription on my Apple device?
If you really want to cancel, we'll show you how below - but keep in mind that once you do, you may not be able to get the same benefits aga...