Frenzy Flare is a power meter that grows at the bottom of the screen in an Episode, based on making combination moves. Combination moves means performing actions like multiple item picking up, multiple serving, multiple tip-swiping to collect, etc.

The more combo strings you make serving guests and picking up multiple items, the more the Frenzy Flare gauge grows at the bottom of the screen (from left to right).

Once you have filled the Frenzy Flare gauge all the way up, a small number appears directly underneath Gordon Ramsay's feet while in the Episode, showing how many times you can use it - and Gordon becomes SuperGordon!

At that point, anytime you tap on Gordon, he will clear the ordering table of customers for you, as well as any food that is prepping at a station!

NOTE: Using SuperGordon does NOT remove any items that your player-character is holding at the time of use. So think smart before using it, ya muppet!