As with many recipes, tasks must be done in the correct order. To successfully make Garlic Fries, please follow these steps in exact order:
1. grab uncooked fries
2. dump them in the fryer
3. grab cooked fries
4. tap the garlic clove in front of Cookie the Batting Chef (it will highlight in a green frame)
5. tap Cookie the Batting Chef (MOST IMPORTANT step!)
Cookie should swing his bat, knocking a tasty treat base-hit, and the Garlic Fries will appear on the catcher's mitt. Serve 'em up before they get cold!
1. grab uncooked fries
2. dump them in the fryer
3. grab cooked fries
4. tap the garlic clove in front of Cookie the Batting Chef (it will highlight in a green frame)
5. tap Cookie the Batting Chef (MOST IMPORTANT step!)
Cookie should swing his bat, knocking a tasty treat base-hit, and the Garlic Fries will appear on the catcher's mitt. Serve 'em up before they get cold!