The rewards won in Mystery Boxes are never lost as they are automatically added to your inventory instantaneously.
- If you have won the consumables(Bear Armor, Knives, Rockets, Medkit, or Sticky Grenades), these will be automatically added to inventory which can be found under the “Store” tab.
- If you have woncurrency packs (Gold or Diamonds), they are automatically credited to your account. You might not have noticed the difference but we assure you that currency is added to your account.
- If you have won one of the awesome guns then you can find that gun under the weapon section. All you have to do is just find your gun(Assault/Sniper) and then tap “Equip” next to it. Note – You will be able to see your all your equipped weapons(Primary/secondary) in the home screen as well.
- If you have won energy then you can use it when you run out of the energy. Just tap on the "Energy bar" located at the top, you will find your extra pair of energy.