How to Read the Weapons
When you look at a weapon you will see:
Number in top left hand corner - this is the level required for this weapon
Symbols under the number - these are the stats increased by this weapon
A letter A or B in the bottom right corner - This tells you if the weapon is your main (A) weapon or your secondary (B). It's best to have the more powerful weapon as your main.
*Tapping the "?" will take you to the weapons numbers
The top left hand number - is the average hit of the weapon regardless of where your points are on the symbols.
The symbols will have a number beside them - these numbers represent the added points that weapon will add to your stats. For example: Your Katana will add 10 energy to your stats and you have 5 points in the energy category. This will be a total of 15 extra energy for you to use.
The green bar is your durability. As this gets lower, your weapon becomes weaker. It's always wise to repair items any time you stop in a safe house.