Why is Diner Dash experiencing performance issues?
General Gameplay FAQ
What is chaining? How do I form a chain?
Fast Flo
Boost Glossary
Al Bondigas
VIP Spotlights
"Get the Ghosts" Halloween Event Details
Special Event FAQ
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How do I contact in-game support?
More energy in: OFFLINE
Why does it say "Event Over"?
"Holiday Helpers Gone Haywire" Event Details
Agora: Likes Small Spaces
Ariel: On-The-Go Jet-Setter
Bernie: Slow-Reading Aficionado
Lina Sayer
Carry Four Flo
Order Slingshot
Moppo: Cleans Spills in Greasy Spoon
Swabbo: Cleans Spills in Deep Sea Diner
Heave-O: Moves Crates in Deep Sea Diner
How can I turn off notifications on my Android device?
How can I turn off notifications on my Apple device?
Why isn't the "Coming Soon" venue ever opening?
Why have I not received my purchase of in-game currency from Google Play?
Why have I not received my purchase of in-game currency from Apple?
Why can’t I make purchases through Google Play?
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