How can I cancel a monthly currency subscription from Google Play?
If you really want to cancel, we'll show you how below - but keep in mind that once you do, you may not be able to get the same benefits aga...
I didn't get my free currency from completing a special offer from TAPJOY.
Note: this information refers to special offers, not the small amounts of currency that may be earned from watching video ads.While we'd lov...
I have been charged for a subscription or renewal and have not received my currency.
If you created a subscription or if you have been charged for a renewal and have not yet seen the currency in your account within 24 hours, ...
Why can't I do a special offer twice?
Special offers are only available for limited times, and are only purchasable once in any given offer period.We try to work with our partner...
Why have I not received my purchase of in-game currency from Apple?
Monetary transactions are not handled directly by EA, but are handled for us by Apple. First make sure the transaction went through.&nb...
Why have I not received my purchase of in-game currency from Google Play?
All monetary transactions are handled not directly by EA, but are handled for us by Google Play.Firstly, make sure the transaction actually ...
How do I cancel a subscription on my Apple device?
If you really want to cancel, we'll show you how below - but keep in mind that once you do, you may not be able to get the same benefits aga...