If your subscription for the Covet Collection Pass is Active on your App Store, but appears Inactive in the game, this might be due to a syncing issue. Rest easy! We can help you resync your CC Pass subscription.

To Unsubscribe and Resubscribe on Android devices:

On your Android device, tap the  to open the Google Play app.

  1. Select Payments and Subscriptions.
  2. Tap Cancel Subscription and then Resubscribe.
  3. Your Covet Collection Pass should now be restored! 

IMPORTANT: Players will not be charged for re-subscribing to the Covet Collection Pass and will only be billed when the pass renews for the next month. 

If you play Covet Fashion on multiple devices, please log into the game on the device you originally subscribed with and it will re-trigger the pass for all of your other devices as well.