To change your Username, follow these steps:
  1. Visit your Profile by tapping the 'Single-person' icon at the bottom of your game and then tap the 'Profile' tab.
  2. Tap the 'Pencil' icon on the top left corner.
  3. Type a new Username and tap on 'Submit'.
Please note that Usernames in Covet Fashion must be unique, and you cannot choose the same Username as another player.

To change your Profile Image, follow these steps:
  1. Visit your Profile by tapping the 'Single-person' icon at the bottom of your game and then tap the 'Profile' tab.
  2. Tap on your Profile image.
  3. Select an image to use from your Device.
Any inappropriate Usernames or Profile Images will be flagged and removed from the game, and a warning will be sent to your account. Multiple warnings could result in a ban, so please do not use any inappropriate Usernames of Profile Images in the game, and help us keep our Community safe!