Feeling like a generous fashionista? Send gifts to your friends!

Head over to the player's profile that you will be sending the gift directly to. You can find this under your "Friends".

1. Head over to your profile

2. Tap on the   

3. Tap on the friend you wish to send a gift to.

4. Tap 'Send Gift'.


Look under their Closet Value to find the ‘Send a gift’ tab, then follow these instructions:

1. Select your wrapping paper.
2. Select the gift you want to send. Currently, you may only gift diamonds to others.
3. Select the message you want to be attached to it.
4. Review your gift once all steps have been met, feel free to make any edits before you hit “Buy & Send.”
5. Confirm your purchase by tapping ”Buy & Send”

You will receive a confirmation pop up letting you know that the gift was successfully sent.