The Design Value you earn from the Clean Up Truck is set to the Cash or Diamond value of the items you submit. When you place an item in the Clean Up Truck, it will take all of the uses you currently have of the item.
Please note that the Design Value you earn will not be multiplied by the number of uses. If you have an item that cost 3000 diamonds, and you have 5 uses of that item, you will only receive 3000 Design Value for that item.
This will occur with all of the items that you submit in the Clean Up Truck.
Please note that the Design Value you earn will not be multiplied by the number of uses. If you have an item that cost 3000 diamonds, and you have 5 uses of that item, you will only receive 3000 Design Value for that item.
This will occur with all of the items that you submit in the Clean Up Truck.