We suggest linking your email address to your Design Home to help with saving your game. You can also enter your email address to receive promotions from Design Home!

  1. Tap on the Person/Face Icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.
  2. Tap on the Gear/Settings icon to the left of your Profile Picture on the Profile Page.  Settings icon which looks like a gear.  
  3. In the Account Settings window, tap on Edit next to the Email.
  4. In the Email window tap on "Enter email address here" and enter in a valid email address. 
  5. If you are interested in receiving occasional offers and news from Design Home, tap on the box next to the message “I want to keep in touch!”
  6. Hit Done.
  7. You will then be taken to the Verification window.
  8. Look for an email in your email inbox titled "Design Home - [Account Authentication]".
  9. Open the email.
  10. Go back to Design Home and enter the code you received in the “Enter Verification Code” window.
Please note: This will be a six-digit code.  
  Account settings screen.
Please note: The 200 Diamonds for linking an account are only sent once.