In addition to the normal type of prize-guaranteed box, a MEGA GUARANTEE box will guarantee a super high value reward (such as a guaranteed ATG or a super bundle) within a specific number of boxes opened!  
  • Some mystery boxes will have two counters: one for the standard guaranteed prize, and another, more stringent goal for the Mega Guarantee.
  • The counter increments on boxes opened, whether received as a gift, earned in gameplay, or purchased.
  • Each such box (for example the 250-gold boxes vs. the 500-gold boxes) will have its own number of required boxes to open before you get the guaranteed top prize.  
  • If you do pull the top prize before you reach the guarantee number - it might happen any time - the counter resets to zero.
You must be on the latest version of the game to unlock this feature and no progress will be carried over if you upgrade after opening boxes.  If you are still on version 2.0, make sure you upgrade now in order to take advantage of the Mega Guarantee!