Note: this information refers to special offers, not the small amounts of currency that may be earned from watching video ads.
If you have completed an offer with Tapjoy/Ironsource and it is marked as REWARDED on their website, but you have not received your reward, we can investigate on our end. We are unable to assist with any offer still in PENDING or INCOMPLETE status.
Tapjoy/ironSource has its own a support system in place for you. Their staff is more than happy to investigate any issues pertaining to these advertisements.
To contact them through MLB Tap Sports please do the following:
- Make sure you are using the same device you used to participate in the offer.
- Go to the premium store at the top of your Tap Sports screen and tap the gold icon.
- Scroll all the way down and tap on "View Offers". This will open the offerwall.
- Tap on the Menu Icon (three horizontal lines) at the upper left corner of the offerwall window.
- Tap on the “Reward Status” option to view all your offers. If an offer shows as "Rewarded" but you did not receive the currency in-game, you may contact us, For all other statuses (Started, Ongoing, Pending ) Glu/Crowdstar cannot assist.
- Click on the offer you are missing rewards for and click the red ‘Contact Support’ button
- For users submitting a ticket for an offer with multiple tasks/levels, select the task or level you are missing rewards for.
- Please complete the form with your email address and a description of your request as well as proof of your eligibility for a reward. Please be sure to use a working email address as it will be validated in the process of providing support.
- Once submitted you’ll get an email notification with your case number, following validation of your email address (if needed).
They receive a lot of requests, so they ask that you give them time to respond to your tickets Tickets are replied to in the order they are received - but if you submit more than one ticket for the same offer your ticket will move to the bottom of the waiting list as their system sees it as a new ticket and will change the time stamp.Your issue will get to their Support team who will respond to you as quickly as they are able. Please note: If Tapjoy/ironSource requests more information from you, please provide that to them as soon as possible or they may close your ticket for lack of response.We at Crowdstar cannot investigate Tapjoy issues. If after filing a support claim with Tapjoy you do not receive a response 14 days, please contact us and include the Tapjoy case number in your message.- Tap on the “Reward Status” option to view all your offers. If an offer shows as "Rewarded" but you did not receive the currency in-game, you may contact us, For all other statuses (Started, Ongoing, Pending ) Glu/Crowdstar cannot assist.