How to join a club?
Must be at level 10 in order to join a Club.1. Press "Club" on the main menu of the game2. Search for the club you want to join3. ...
How do I leave a club?
Tap on Club > Locate "Leave Club" at the top left hand corner > Click Ok to leave Club
Leaving Club? How long do you have to wait till you can join another Club?
When you leave a club or are kicked from a club, you will have to wait for a period of time ("cooldown") to join a club again. 1st time...
What can a Leader and Co-Leader do?
Leader can promote a Club Member to Co-Leader and kick members out from the ClubA Co-Leader can only kick Club Members but not the leader or...
What happens if a Club Leader leaves?
The system will auto-promote a Co-Leader, with the most seniority and active player, as the new Leader.
What happens if a Club Leader is inactive?
If a club leader has been inactive for 14 days, they will be demoted and the next most senior and active co-leader is promoted to club leade...
Filter Roster List
You have the option to view Club Member's:- Donations- Last Check-In- Summoner Score- Join Date- Daily Raid Tickets- Seasonal Raid Tickets- ...
Donating to your club and requesting donations from Club members
As part of a Club, you are able to donate and request items from Club Members. 5 is the maximum number of items you can donate. Once yo...
Club Expedition
Take up a torch and explore a sprawling dungeon with your Club to uncover fearsome foes and wondrous rewards. You and your Club will ...
Friend Coins & Friend Chest
Every day you can send a free Friend Coins Gift to each person in your Friends List, and claim Friend Coin Gifts your friends send to you.Th...
Unable to send Friend Invite when Friend List is not full
Check if there's any invite that has been pending for awhile.Social > Friends Tab (3rd Tab) > Invites > Sent From there, you c...
Friendly Brawl
Challenge friends from your Friend List and compete against each other for a Friendly match. Use Gems to activate the Unleash feature, ...