Earn milestone rewards for playing in Raids! Make progress in Raid battles to earn Raid XP. Work together with your club and to earn even more rewards for everyone!
Raid XP and Milestones will reset after the end of the Raid season, so be sure to collect as many rewards as you can.
Club Milestone Rules:
    • Raid XP reflects the total progress all club members make in Raid battles. In cases of overlapping damage (such as two players defearting the same Raid boss asynchronously), the club will only earn XP once. The XP will be credited to the player that first registered the damage.
    • Players may only collect each reward ONCE per season.
    • Club members that have switched into the club during the season will NOT be able to collect rewards the Club earned before they joined.
Players cannot collect milestones that their club qualified for before they joined the club. For example, if Player A joins Club X mid-season and Club X already had 5 milestones' worth of XP progress, Player A would not be eligible to collect those first 5 milestones. However, if they qualify for the 6th milestone after Player A joins, Player A can collect that 6th milestone (unless they had already collected that same Milestone reward in their previous club that same season).
  • Players will not be able to continue collecting club milestone rewards for their club if they leave the club mid-season.