If you are getting the status of OFFLINE for the energy refill:

The energy system refills when you are connected to our servers. You may be connected online but unable to reach our servers due to an unstable connection or a very slow one.

How to fix this:

1-Please close the app (Android:   Exit the game with back key from the main menu to bring up the exit prompt to ensure the game gets closed. Do not "home key out", the game doesn't close all the way if you just home out - iOS: tap on your home button to exit then double tap an swipe up Diner Dash to remove it from memory).

2-Make sure your connection is strong (a reliable WI-FI is much better than your carrier signal)

3-Start the game again and wait for a few seconds for the server connection to be established

Your energy refill counter should resume at that point.

Please let us know if you continue to have any issues.