With the new prep kitchen functionality, instead of players having to memorize which customer goes 
with which episode, we've factored it out for you!  Now, Super Customers who frequent a particular episode are the ONLY ones that can be selected in that episode.

After all, there's no sense prepping a slot if the Super Customer isn't going to show up in that episode!

This was designed as an advantage to YOU, the player, to make the MOST out of your choice to use double-coin customers in a given episode.

We are confident you will get used to the system in no time - but again, this was designed to be more comprehensive in earning you the highest tips and maximizing the coins double-customers can drop.

TIP:  Since the Super Customers usually appear by the fourth season in a venue, choose an episode there so you can pick the recipe you want. 

We hope you enjoy this new functionality!