Update Covet Fashion
1. Navigate to your Google Play App Store
2. Tap on your 'Account' on the top-right.
3. Select 'Manage apps & device'
4. Select 'Covet Fashion' and see if Covet Fashion is up-to-date
5. Update 'Covet Fashion' if necessary (connect to Wi-Fi)

Clear Cache
1. Tap your 'Profile' icon 
2. Tap 'Profile' on the top-left of the screen.
3. Tap the 'Gear' icon on the top-right of your banner.
4. Scroll down to 'Clear Cached Data' to clear cache.

Force Close

1. Open Settings. Tap Apps.

2. Tap the app you want to restart.

3. Tap Force Stop. This will prompt a confirmation pop-up window.

4. Tap Force Stop to confirm.

5. Open the app drawer and select the app you recently closed.